Bringing the power of chemistry to construction sites

GEOX Corporation is a manufacturer of special chemicals used in excavation work at construction sites.
The chemicals are useful in the construction of lifelines that support our lives, such as bullet trains, expressways, and communication networks.


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GEOX's Strengths

Something never before seen,
something that will continue to be needed in the future

GEOX's product development is based on the concept of "unique products that defy convention." At the same time, we will always live up to our customers' trust and expectations by creating simple, easy-to-understand, waste-free, and unpretentious products.

  • 【画像】多種多様な現場、用途に対応する製品、SDGsのゴールに沿ったユニークな技術

    Products for a wide variety of sites and applications, and unique technologies aligned with the SDGs

  • 【画像】国土交通省新技術(NETIS)に登録される確かな技術

    A proven technology registered in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's New Technology Initiative (NETIS)

  • 【画像】大型国家プロジェクトに使用される高い信頼性

    High reliability used in large national projects


Company Profile

Exploring Water and Soil

We contribute to society through product development
so that both people and the environment can flourish.